For as much credence is given to marketing and advertising, do not forget about the impact word of mouth from a customer can have. Reviews can make or break a business as leading studies have shown that 88% of people seeking a service depend on reviews posted by clients.

This leads us to needing positive reviews and testimonials from our clients, but who likes to beg for those? Here are three steps to help you receive an excellent review to gather more business.

Step 1: Build surprise and delight into your customer’s experience

Adding unexpected small bonuses or loyalty discounts to your client’s order or service can really help you stand out. Experiences such as free shipping, personalized thank you notes, or white glove services will be sure to let your customer know that they matter to you.

Step 2: Go the extra mile for your customers

This seems similar to the first step, but there are some factors in experiences that cannot be measured by numbers. If there is a shipping error, try dropping off in the order in person, if the location is close enough, to make a personal impact. Having these wow factors further set you apart in your field.

Step 3: Always stay calm and always have solutions

Turn unseen issues to your advantage by being able to show that you are calm, cool, and collected when faced with concerns. Regardless of the issue, provide the best customer service and ensure them the problem can be resolved and direct them each step of the way.

After building an experience worth evaluating, now is the time to collect the positive review. You do not have to ask outright; try some of these creative ways of conveying positive experiences your customers have had.

  1. Ask right after providing an unforgettable interaction. When customers have positive experiences, they are excited to share. When you close the deal ask for permission to use their evaluation on your website.
  2. Conduct customer satisfaction surveys. Introduce this as a part of your onboarding process or have them done periodically depending on the type of business you are in. There is software that will send them in intervals or will also ask for star ratings. Find what works best for your brand of business.
  3. Offer “beta” pricing. When you are thinking of offering a new service, exchange service for a review. Not only does this give you a testimonial to post, it also provides your very own focus group to see where improvements are needed and what you need to continue to do.
  4. Lastly, capture “social love”. If someone posts on your social media, emails you, or texts you, ask them for their permission for you to screenshot and share on your website. You want to make sure you are following all rules and regulations regarding privacy so be mindful of federal, state, and local laws.

We live in a world directed by social media and influence. Being able to take advantage of that using these three steps and creative suggestions on collecting data will be sure to make your business shine.

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