Navigating the Surge in Sales Tax Changes

Navigating the Surge in Sales Tax Changes

Are you an entrepreneur that sells tax able products. Are you struggling to keep up with the changes with rates? The number of sales tax rate changes has reached a near 10-year high, fueled by the increasing complexity of the tax environment both domestically and...
Certain CA Shareholders Can opt out of SDI

Certain CA Shareholders Can opt out of SDI

Are you a sole shareholder (or the only other shareholder of your company is your spouse) of a California corporation? Are you earning W2 wages and paying the State Disability tax (SDI)? Did you know you can opt out and keep additional funds in your pocket? Disability...
Top 6 Financing Moves for Business Owners

Top 6 Financing Moves for Business Owners

If you are looking to improve your cash flow through monetary infusions and want to set up your business for future success, you may want to take advantage of financing opportunities that are available to you. Here are six options you can consider to gain some extra...
What to Consider When Leaving an Inheritance

What to Consider When Leaving an Inheritance

Do you have assets you are planning to leave to someone? Do you know how the receipt of assets or money can impact the recipient? A significant amount of dollars are poised to transfer between generations, and strategic estate planning becomes paramount. In today’s...

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