Since an estimated 40% of what we do every day is done out of habit, creating routines to enhance our daily lives and work productivity is key. According to Life Savvy, there are a few best practices you can leverage to develop good habits. In today’s article, we will break these down and discuss how to employ them in your own life.

Start with Goals

Ultimately, the habits you create should aim to achieve some kind of goal, so it makes sense to try to define what you’re trying to accomplish before you set the routines themselves. We’ve discussed SMART goals on our blog before, but here in a quick recap. To create a SMART goal, follow the acronym below:

S: Specific- Get as detailed as you can. Vague goals get forgotten easily!

M: Measurable- How can you keep track of your progress? What does achieving the goal look like and how will you know when you’ve reached your objective?

A: Achievable- Is the goal realistic? Can you control the outcome?

R: Relevant- Align your goals to the broader vision you have for your company and life.

T: Time-bound- Set a time limit in which you hope to accomplish your goal.

Pick One Goal to Pursue at a Time

Now that you have your SMART goals in mind, you can start working toward them by creating new habits. One of the most crucial pieces of advice Life Savvy has to offer is to start small. Rather than going after every goal at once, pick one to focus on at a time. This will ensure that you don’t get overwhelmed or burnt out too quickly. 

Document Your Progress

Keep a written or visual record of your progress. Document your wins and your losses and go over your findings frequently to find patterns that you can use to your advantage. It’s also a great motivator to be able to see when you’re on a streak with sticking to your routines!

Don’t Let Failures Get You Down

If you fall off the wagon, resist the urge to beat yourself up or ditch your goals entirely. After all, if you fail at sticking to your routine two days out of the week, that still means you kept your promise to yourself five days, which is a huge accomplishment!

Don’t Expect Results Right Away

If you don’t see immediate results from your new habits, don’t get discouraged! It takes 30 days to form a habit and 60 days for that habit to become standard practice in your life. While it’s a good idea to periodically evaluate what routines are and are not working for you, make sure to give them some time before deciding to pivot your strategy because you aren’t seeing a drastic shift. Positive changes take time and effort but are always worth it in the long run!

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