Like many business owners, it is essential that your business’ website is reaching potential customers. Building a website can take a lot of effort, creativity, and money, so it is important that you are creating one that focuses on SEO so that it can be easily found by others. 

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. SEO is a process that helps get more traffic to your site and aims to improve the positioning of your business on search result pages. Although SEO may seem complicated, it is your tool to becoming more visible online.  Here are five steps you can do to help improve your business’ SEO strategy:

1.Start creating quality content

As you are creating content, make sure you are using keywords on your website as well as on your social media accounts. If you don’t know which keywords you should be using, take some time to conduct keyword research that is specific to your field.

2.Share your ideas with the media

Contact publications, professional associations, and trade associations to see if you can provide content for them online. For example, offer to contribute as a guest blogger on their website. This could help you reach a new target audience and could be good exposure for your business. 

3. Find Speaking Engagements

Similarly, associations and media outlets are always searching for speakers on niched topics. If you are a part of associations that hold annual meetings, you will notice that they generally post online requesting potential speakers to submit topics. This is a great opportunity to earn media off-page SEO benefits like increased website traffic and linkbacks to your social media profiles. 

4. Create shareable social content

You can easily create smart infographics or write insightful comments that can be shared on your social media platforms. All of those reposts you get will help you gain more recognition and increase your SEO.

5. Work with influencers or those in a complementary services

Start searching for those who are considered experts in your field or may be in a service area that complements yours. You could appear as a guest on these individuals’ vlogs, podcasts, or blogs. It will not only help you see SEO improvements, but also help you become more reputable with future customers.

Although there are many ways you can increase your traffic online, these five steps are a great start for those who are new to search engine optimization. 

Many customers are now relying on the internet to find professionals, which is why you need to appear as an expert online and be more visible to customers. Overall, SEO can easily be the key to success for your business, so it is time to start learning how to increase your exposure. 

If you feel you need help in this area, feel free to reach out and I’ll be happy to refer you to someone in this field.

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