If you are an entrepreneur looking to grow your reach, social media should be a big priority as it is a great way to market your services and products. Although platforms may help you be more successful, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here is a list of the top five tips that can help you stand out on social media.

  1. Make Native Content Your Priority

Start by sharing your expertise and let your personality shine through in order to get your audience to engage with your posts. Just by doing this small step, you will be able to build recognition and get your followers to trust you.

  • Don’t Be Afraid To Get Personal

Social media’s main purpose is to be a place where individuals can connect and build relationships. However, it is important to note that most people will not engage with someone on social media if they don’t know who exactly they are speaking to. Do your best to do a healthy mix of posting about your business and your life. For example, share a recent team event or a recent family vacation. Share your interests as well as your core values as this can help make your business more memorable and attract similar individuals.

3. Select the Right Images

This is one of the most important tips as pictures and graphics are what help your post catch people’s attention.  The right images are what get your audience to stop scrolling past your post. Ask yourself before sharing an image, “Would this image stop me in my tracks as I am scrolling online and would I engage with this post?” Also, consider the tone of the image and if it matches with your brand.

4. Go To Your Audience

You do not need to be on every social media platform. First, figure out where your main audience is and start with that platform. Spend time figuring out the channel and how you can get the best results.

5. Focus On Creating Connections

Yes, it is important that customers engage with you, however, it is just as important for you to engage with customers.  In general, if someone comments make sure you are responding to their comment and not leaving them hanging.

Also comment on other individual’s posts. It is recommended for every post you do, you should comment on five other posts. Not only is this helping other users, but it also improves the chance that these individuals will return the favor one day.

By using all five of these tips, you will be setting up your business for success online. You may feel that being on social media can take a lot of time. To help keep yourself organized and prevent spending hours on social media, consider preparing your content ahead of time and create a monthly marketing calendar so you are ready to post your material as well as set an amount of time to spend commenting on others’ posts. This way you’ll avoid watching videos that aren’t relevant to your business and prevent you from wasting time that is better spent engaging with your potential customers.



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