Many people believe that in order to be a successful business owner, you must hustle 24 hours a day. Thankfully, you don’t have to dream about your to-do list or work from morning until night in order to be profitable.

As an entrepreneur myself, I know how much work there is to do each day to manage the business, meet client needs, and grow a staff to take on some of the to-dos. And I sometimes find myself working more than I’d like to be able to meet deadlines.

But if we want long-term success, we need to work smarter, not harder. It is important to remember that you will need to hustle when you launch your business, but once your company becomes successful, it’s time to develop a strategy to allow it to scale without overworking yourself.

Unfortunately, in the United States, there is a big overwork culture. For example, the average person touches their phone a couple thousand times a day. If you look on Instagram the hashtag #nevernotworking has over 310,000 posts.

The perception of success is that you must be overly busy and hustling in order to have a profitable business. In reality, overworking yourself doesn’t always produce the results that you want.

If you are tired of overworking yourself and not seeing results, consider the following:

  1. Create workflows for repetitive or administrative tasks.
  2. Determine when you are at your best and take advantage of that time.
  3. Acknowledge when you need assistance.
  4. Find joy in your work.

Although society tells us we must stay busy to be successful and have a profitable endeavor, the truth is that we need to learn to work smarter and strategically in order to see growth.

If you are working too much, look for ways you can delegate tasks to others to reduce your need to be on the clock all hours of the day and night. Your body (and family) will thank you!

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