Last week I sponsored an event where I had the opportunity to meet some very interesting business owners. Melissa McFarlane and Creative Successful Entrepreneurs hosted the Play BIG! event for right brain thinkers who want to make a left brain income so they could learn tips and tricks to grow their businesses. Melissa thought I would be a great resource for her clients and asked if I’d be interested in being a sponsor and I agreed.
I invited one of my friends to the event who is just starting a health coaching business as I thought the information would be helpful to her as well. One thing I enjoyed while there was talking to the other vendors to learn a bit more about their businesses and how they serve their customers. I wanted to share their information with you in case you are in need of any of their services.
- Geffner Productions – I have actually known Steve and Jaime for about a year as Jaime and I met at Success Summit (an annual local conference) and talked more at WRS networking events we attend. We were also both co-authors of Navigating Entrepreneurship which was released last summer. We had even more time to talk at the book launch. Geffner Productions offers online video production, strategy, and education to entrepreneurs. Find more about them and their services at
- Confident Communicators – Anya Pearson is the founder of this company and we hit it off right away when we met. She helps you find your voice, find your power and change your life. If you would like to become more confident in your communication, look up her website at for more information.
- Actor’s Fast Track started by Valorie Hubbard, a successful actress, helps actors achieve their dreams and get the career they’ve dreamed of. She works with both new and experienced actors who are ambitious and driven and want to by-pass the frustrating slow-climb to success in favor of a faster track to fame and a stable career. More information can be found at
- The V.O. Dojo founded by Tish Hicks is a training, networking, and resource center connecting voiceover actors of all levels, from those with an initial spark of interest to seasoned V.O. professionals. If you are interested in a voice-over career, check out information at
- Robin Young is the CEO of Women Behaving Wealthy and she teaches women how to understand money and plan for the future using categories of savings to build wealth. More information on her programs can be found at
If you are in need of any of their services, reach out to them and let them know how they can assist you. They are eager to help!