Have you ever noticed how everyone seems to brag about being super busy all the time? It’s like being busy has become a badge of honor, especially for people running their own businesses. But here’s the thing: being too busy can actually hurt you and your company more than it helps.

I have fallen into this trap, and I’ve been intentionally working on changing this in my own company. I’ve been great with my staff offering flexible schedules, time off when needed, and other options for them to recharge. For myself, I was not always so good giving myself downtime, but I realized it had to change.

Think about it: when you’re rushing trying to get a long list of tasks completed, you might end up neglecting your customers or giving them lousy service, especially if you don’t have any team to assist you. And all that stress and lack of sleep? Not good for your health or your ability to make smart decisions for your business.

And if you are putting just as much work on your staff as you put on yourself, they may feel pretty lousy too. They might start to feel overwhelmed and demotivated, which definitely isn’t good for business.

And here’s the kicker: if you’re always busy, you might miss out on some awesome opportunities to grow your company and come up with cool new ideas.

But don’t worry, there’s a solution! Here are three simple things you can do:

  1. Take a break once in a while and think about what really matters for your business.
  2. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to things that aren’t going to help your business move forward.
  3. Keep track of your time and make sure you’re spending it on things that really matter. And don’t forget to take care of yourself too!

So next time you feel like you have to be busy all the time, remember: it’s okay to slow down and focus on what’s really important. Your business—and your sanity—will thank you for it!

If you know you need to change how much you are working but don’t know where to start, my Clockwork for Freedom program can help. Whether you join the bookclub to mainly do the process on your own with some basic support, use the online training and tools, or join our coaching program, the resources can help you change how busy you are to being more productive and able to take time away from your business. I’ve been implementing the framework  in my own company and have seen some drastic results. If you’re wanting to thrive in your business without burning out, check out our program at bit.ly/CFFRegSM. I’ll also include the link in the description of this video. I hope you’ll join me so you can remove the badge of busy and have a more ejnoyable time as an entrepreneur.

5 Ways the Badge of Busy Is Hurting Your Business – Affordable Bookkeeping & Payroll (affordablebookkeepingandpayroll.com)

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