Are you a California employer? Are you aware that there is a new sick pay policy that will take effect July 1 and failing to comply can result in financial penalties? As a payroll company, I have sent information to my clients to let them know the information my staff will need to set up their employees so sick pay can be tracked properly. I’ve had numerous calls from employers asking if it applies to them as they only have one part-time employee.  The answer is yes unless you have a collective bargaining agreement that meets all of the requirements of the legislation.

You may already have a sick pay policy in place, but it may not meet all of the new requirements. In the past, sick pay was not mandatory, so any sick pay offered could be given in any amount and when the employer chose to offer it to employees. Because it was voluntary, there were no guidelines to meet.  That changes as of July 1. If you have a policy in place, it may need to be updated to comply with all of the rules.

To help employers understand the legislation, who is considered a family member, the methods allowed for tracking sick pay, and the penalties for failing to comply, I’m holding a workshop on Tuesday, May 12th at 9:00 am in Torrance, CA.  I’ll discuss the details of the policy and have a question-and-answer time as well so you will fully understand the guidelines and can decide which method to use in your business.

Sign up today for an early bird discount!  I hope to see you there!

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