Five Tips To Improve Your Cash Flow

I saw this great information in the CPA Practice Advisor (yes I read some of the articles even though I’m not a CPA) and found the following information helpful.  I didn’t see the author’s name to give credit, but the full article can be found at...

Outsourcing Frees Small Business Owners to Focus

I recently created a presentation on the topic of outsourcing tasks (and the reasons to do so), and then came across this article in The Business News Daily.  I thought I’d share some of the information written by David Mielach, staff writer for the magazine....

Financial Rules For Grads

I receive newsletters from business associates in many different fields as they often have timely information I find useful for myself or those I know.  Today I’m going to share tips from the newsletter of Tim Thompson, a licensed financial planner with...

CA State Board of Equalization Audits/Reviews

I have been doing bookkeeping for clients since 2003 and opened an office in 2005, so there have been many years of practice under my belt before today.  In all of those years, I’ve never had a client receive a notice of audit from the BOE.  Now in the past few...

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