Apply For a Small Business Award From the SBA

The Small Business Administration (SBA) honors small business owners and entrepreneurs for their outstanding achievements through various awards..  They are looking for nominations in eleven categories: Small Business Person of the Year Awards Small Business Exporter...

Should I Be “Friends” With My Clients?

Although I usually write about compliance issues related to bookkeeping, payroll, sales tax, 1099 filings, or share information from business contacts that I feel is important for my clients, today’s blog will be a bit more personal and from the heart. Many...

Wishing You a Very Happy New Year!

Wow!  Can you believe it’s the start of a new year already?  I don’t know about you, but time seems to go by so much faster the older I get.  I say that as I age, one year is a smaller percentage of my life which is why it seems to go by so fast.  When you...

Another Amazing Event by a Client

One of my clients is a corporate event planner, and I was invited to attend the holiday party they planned for a large business that occurred this past Saturday night.  I always enjoy seeing what my clients do, and this gives me the chance to see their magic at work....

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