Reaching one’s goals is a welcome accomplishment that should be recognized. Each year, I take my staff out for an appreciation dinner. One of our “victories” each year as a bookkeeping/payroll company is to simply make it through January and the first few months of the year alive! There is so much work to be done and we all work so hard to ensure that our client’s bookkeeping work and reports are not only completed but also done well. And it sure takes hard work to get there! This quote (unknown author) is so true:

“There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”

After working hard and surviving January, February, March, and April 2014, we certainly feel accomplished and ready to celebrate. I highly recommend that all employers take time to recognize your (and your employee’s) accomplishments, whether big or small, as an important event. Jonny Jones (Founder, Chairman and CEO of Jones Energy Inc) gives this advice for small businesses:

“Celebrate victories along the way.”

I agree with this advice. Celebrations improve morale and help reinforce the idea that we can do anything we set our minds to. When we hit milestones, it is easy to recognize the accomplishment. However, not all accomplishments come with a big obvious signs. Even when we can’t quite achieve exactly what we set out to do, chances are we still made many smaller accomplishments along the way. Besides, the lessons learned and progress made is still its own success worthy of celebration.

How do you celebrate your small business’s accomplishments? We’d love to hear and celebrate with you!

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