Are you aware that core values can impact your success? The heart of any business is its core values. It does not take long to see stories of companies that have been unethical. It seems in our day and age, not only are individuals not tied down to a conviction of core values, but businesses are not committed to them either. There has been a long-held myth that says holding to a basic set of core values can be detrimental to business success.  It goes on to declare that the only way to get ahead and succeed in life is to walk over people, fudge the truth in order to squeeze by, and act as heartlessly as one wants as long as one can keep a clean cover.

However, there is a better way. Meg Witman writes, “But what I realized after ten years of running eBay was that if eBay had been the kind of company where we held no core values and followed no ethical compass, where we treated our community members and each other like pawn or assets to be exploited, we never would have succeeded at all.” As counter-intuitive as it may seem, establishing and abiding by a core set of values will actually prove invaluable for any business in the long run.

Core values, according to Rob Dube, are defined as “the principles and beliefs that drive the behaviors of all members of an organization.” They are the backbone of any organization, and they are so important that Stephen Haines says they are the “social glue that holds an organization together.” The establishment of core values for an organization will be crucial to any business endeavor because the clarity they provide will ultimately determine its destiny. Yet, establishing core values will not be enough, but they must be emblazoned on the company’s mind for years to come. They should be so central that members of a company should be able to list them off by memory without giving deliberate thought.

Here at AB&P, we believe core values are of utmost importance. Integrity and trust are crucial as well as friendliness. The staff has strong ethical beliefs, and this creates a healthy work environment among our employees and extends to our customers. We are honest and treat our clients with respect. We are hard-working and reliable. If you are looking for an honest company to assist with your bookkeeping and or payroll needs, we are here for you!

In the end, one can’t go wrong with establishing and abiding by a core set of values. They, modeled first by top management and then followed by the employees, are the soul of any organization. The better the values that are established, and the more a company reminds itself of them, the more successful that company will be. Post them on your company walls, desktop backgrounds, and/or website. Remember the values for which you stand and watch the impact they’ll have on your business success.

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