For some business owners, pinning up a workplace poster may seem like a simple, one-and-done principle – all bases covered so long as the required state and federal posters are visible within the business.

As it turns out, however, there’s so much more required out of an employer to be law-compliant, but unfortunately this is often only discovered after an audit. Protect yourself and the rights of your employees by making sure your workplace posters are up to par by checking for these five simple factors.

1) All Municipal Posters are Displayed

Most business feature those required by federal and state law, but do you have those needed to satisfy local and city regulations as well? Check with the laws affecting your specific address, and be sure to pin up the necessary posters in all business locations.

2) All Posters are Up-to-Date

Laws change with the years, and so should your posters. Check that all workplace posters are up-to-date, and mark your calendars with reminders to repeat the process annually.

3) The Poster is in Multiple Languages

For some posters, multiple languages other than English are required to ensure equal representation – a common example of this being bilingual posters in both English and Spanish. Be sure to check with your local regulations to see what languages must be featured within the workplace.

4) Posters are Displayed Correctly

Not only should all your posters be within clear view, but some come with their own size, font, and display requirements. For example, many posters cannot be obstructed, defaced, or covered by any object, while the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) Job Safety and Health poster must be 8.5” x 14” and in 10-point font or larger.

In addition, posters must be presented in places employees frequent often, like a break room or office, or on every floor in the case of large corporations. Even remote employees must be provided their own copy, whether sent electronically or otherwise.

5) All Fields are Completed

Some posters come with their own “fill-in-the-blank” sections and it’s up to the employer to do so. Don’t just print and post on autopilot – read through the requirements and check that all fields have been completed and signed off, as well as up-to-date.

As with most employer requirements, many failed audits, penalties, and legal troubles can be avoided through simple, regularly scheduled checks of the workplace – and posters are no exception. Protect your business in the event of an audit, and ensure that all required posters are up to current regulations.

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