Do you want to resolve your tax dispute with the IRS on your own terms? Are you searching for strategies to achieve a favorable outcome in your small business tax dispute? Look no further! Renowned tax attorney, Steve Moskowitz, is here to share his solution to help you attain the desired result – a favorable resolution to your IRS dispute. With over 30 years of experience, Steve Moskowitz is ready to provide valuable insights and guidance to small business owners facing tax disputes with the IRS. Get ready to settle your tax dispute on your terms with Steve Moskowitz.

Key Notes

  • 1. Embark on a journey to resolve tax conflicts with the IRS systematically and effectively.
  • 2. Recognize the significance of tax planning and learn how to capitalize on deductions.
  • 3. Learn expert strategies for managing tax debt and securing negotiation payment plans with the IRS.
  • 4. Gain knowledge on asserting your rights against the IRS during audits and avoiding common missteps.
  • 5. Discover the benefits of seeking professional assistance for tax problems and ensuring optimum compliance.


Meet Steve

As a tax attorney for more than 30 years, Steve knows that clients’ lives – and livelihoods – can be upended or even destroyed when tax trouble arises. With extensive knowledge of tax law, a desire for a swift and vigorous defense, and decades of experience with tax authorities and in the courts, he is unusually perceptive in assessing the best way forward, and the right resources to achieve resolution. Steve started Moskowitz LLP because he saw that while big corporations were consistently navigating the tax code to their advantage, smaller businesses and investors were not. With prior experience as a CPA at a national accounting firm, and extensive experience in the corporate world, Steve knew he could help investors and smaller businesses by applying what he knew, and wanted to make a critical difference in his client’s lives that protected them from the powerful government and enabled them to keep and enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of work that otherwise could be taken away from clients by the government in just one action. Today – together with a full team of tax attorneys, CPAs, enrolled agents, and other professional staff – Moskowitz LLP helps business and individual clients across the country and overseas to resolve a wide variety of tax matters. The Moskowitz LLP team also creates strategies to utilize the tax code and relevant treaties to clients’ benefit and provides ongoing tax support and tax return preparation. Unlike most firms, Moskowitz LLP clients pay a flat fee and are not subject to hourly rates.

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