Let me tell you about my fascinating guest today! Robert Poole is the co-founder of Total Business Results, where he helps entrepreneurs make the transition from being tied to their businesses as operators to becoming free as owners. He’s a West Point graduate with over 25 years of experience in scaling companies into saleable assets that run without the founders. In this interview, Robert shares his own journey from operator to owner, including the mindset shifts it took. He gives actionable advice for entrepreneurs who feel trapped doing the day-to-day work, so they can get back the freedom that attracted them to owning a business in the first place. You’ll discover how to build sustainable processes, recruit an empowered team, and create an organization aligned with your vision. Robert also talks about avoiding common pitfalls that can sabotage your progress. If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to transform your role from doing all the work to leading a company that runs itself, don’t miss Robert’s insightful tactics. Get the keys to making a successful transition so you can reduce your workload and have an ownership asset to someday sell or pass along. Let us know in the comments if you’ve made the shift from operator to owner! What challenges did you face? How did you motivate your team to share your vision? We’d love to hear your experiences and advice too.  

Key Notes

  • Master the transition from operator to owner and take control of your business’s destiny.
  • Unlock the secrets to building a business asset that’s not just successful, but also highly saleable.
  • Discover the game-changing strategies for effective B2B cold calling and sky-rocket your sales.
  • Learn how to create irresistible value in your business, making it a hot commodity for potential buyers.
  • Uncover the power of implementing business automation and processes for sustainable growth and freedom.


You can find Robert on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube under “therobertpoole.”

Robert is offering the first 3 people from [your show] who contact him, a free 30 minute consultation to help you evaluate where you are on the spectrum of operator to owner and give you a specific strategy that you can implement in the next 90 days to start making the transition from operator to owner.

If you are interested, you can email him at [email protected] and mention this podcast.

Meet Robert

Robert Poole is the co-founder of Total Business Results. He helps entrepreneurs who are tied to their businesses make the transition from operator to owner in their business so they can finally achieve the freedom they got into entrepreneurship in the first place.

He is a graduate of West Point, previously an Army officer, and has over 25 years of experience in helping entrepreneurs grow their companies and turn them into saleable assets that don’t depend on them for the day-to-day operations.

Today he is going to share a little about how to get free from your business and get back the freedom and time that most of us got into this game for in the first place.

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