Minimum wage increases are upon us again. Each year there are areas that have a higher minimum wage than in the past. Are you in one of the states that will have a new rate?

Federal wages have remained unchanged since 2009 so states have taken it upon themselves to implement wage increases, and some cities have passed legislation to increase rates even more quickly than states.

It’s imperative that you review the laws for your location to make sure you are in compliance. There are twenty states increasing wages as of January 1, 2020. Review the list to see if you are going to be impacted.

State Details:

Alaska$10.19All employees
Arizona$12.00Non-tipped employees
Arizona$9.00Tipped employees
Arkansas$10.00Non-tipped employees
Arkansas$2.63Tipped employees rate remains unchanged
California$12.0025 or less employees
California$13.0026 or more employees
Colorado$12.00Non-tipped employees
Colorado$8.98Tipped employees
Florida$8.56Non-tipped employees
Florida$5.54Tipped employees
Illinois$9.25Non-tipped employees
Illinois$5.54Tipped employees
Maine$12Non-tipped employees
Maine$6Tipped employees
Maryland$11Non-tipped employees
Massachusetts$12.75Non-tipped employees
Massachusetts$4.95Tipped employees
Mighigan$9.65Non-tipped employees
Michigan$3.67Tipped employees
Minnesota$10.00Gross receipts more than $500,000
Minnesota$8.15Gross receipts less than $500,000
Montana$8.65All employees
New Jersey$11.00Most employees
New Jersey$10.30Seasonal and employers will fewer than 6 workers
New Jersey$10.30Agricultural employers
New Jersey$3.13Tipped employees
New Mexico$9.00Non-tipped employees
New Mexico$2.35Tipped employees
New York$11.8NY does allow for various industry specific wages
Ohio$8.70Employers over $319,000 gross receipts
Ohio$7.25Employers with less than $319,000 gross receipts
Ohio$4.35Tipped employees
South Dakota$9.30Non-tipped employees
South Dakota$4.65Tipped employees
Vermont$10.96Non-tipped employees
Vermont$5.48Tipped employees
Washington$13.5All employees

To see rates for cities that have a higher rate than the state which they are in, you can review (see the rates below the state listing).

If your pay period spans 2019 and 2020, you must report to your payroll company the number of hours earned at each rate, or pay all hours at the higher rate.

Information in this most was gathered from and image is courtesy of Stuart Miles and

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