8 States Face FUTA Tax Credit Reductions for 2014

The Department of Labor has announced the states that face FUTA credit reductions for 2014. A state is a credit reduction state if it has taken loans from the federal government to meet its state unemployment benefits liabilities and has not repaid the loans within...

Tax Relief for California Earthquake Victims

Victims of the earthquake that occurred Aug. 24, 2014 in parts of California may qualify for tax relief from the Internal Revenue Service.  The President has declared Napa and Solano counties federal disaster areas. Individuals who reside or have a business in these...

Avoid Additional Debt from the Holidays

I often read information that I feel would be helpful to clients. Today I would like to share with you a few tips from a financial planner I subscribe to.  As a bookkeeper, I often see credit card debt skyrocket because of holiday shopping and events.  This can have a...

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