This past year I have invested in myself and my business by becoming involved with two coaching programs.  One is specifically for those in the bookkeeping industry, and one is for women entrepreneurs.  I have found this investment to be immensely valuable.

Like many entrepreneurs, I didn’t intend to start my own business, but my life circumstances led me to where I am today.  I’ve been pretty successful so far, but could have been so much more so had I done coaching earlier in my career.  As I told the bookkeeping coach, had I known about some of the systems and planning she used in her business, I would have had a few fewer headaches and a more efficient process when I began.  I’ve fine-tuned what I do over the years and improved our systems, but wish I’d known what I know now years ago when I started this journey.

I’m also in a mastermind group with other women entrepreneurs led by an amazing business coach who always knows just what to say or recommend when we feel stuck.  It’s been great working with these women and discussing our successes and challenges each month with each other.  We’ve supported each other as we move forward in our businesses, and it’s so great to know I have the emotional support of others who are going through the same types of challenges as I am (or have successfully navigated through them in the past.)  I know they understand what I’m going through and want to see me succeed, and I want to do the same for them.

If you are a business owner (or thinking of becoming one) I recommend working with a mentor or coach.  Talk to someone in your industry who is successful.  Don’t be afraid to contact them thinking they are your competition.  We all have unique gifts to offer and who you serve may be different than who they serve.  Even if your clients are in the same market, you will find that individual personalities also play a role in who you work within your business.  Ask them what process they have to run an efficient business.  Any tips will be helpful.  You can also talk to a business coach.  They may not know all the ins and outs of how to do specific tasks in your business, but they can help you develop and implement a plan to get you where you want to go.  Lastly, build relationships with other business owners whom you can talk to about what you are dealing with in your business.  Having the support of someone who is doing the same thing is immensely valuable.

Good luck and much success to you and the growth of your business!


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