3 Solutions to Todays Payroll Challenges

3 Solutions to Todays Payroll Challenges

As we continue to work in a challenging business landscape, it is important to provide your payroll department with extra resources to help them to continue to be efficient and organized due to the obstacles they are currently facing. From changing workplace...
How to be Your CFO and Successfully! with Brandon Neely

How to be Your CFO and Successfully! with Brandon Neely

Are you tired of wearing so many hats in your business? Are you unsure if you are succeeding as CFO? Learn strategies for how to up-level and run a profitable business with Brandon Neely. He will teach “The STILL Method” that helps a CFO get centered, get...
Developing a Strong Brand Identity

Developing a Strong Brand Identity

There are many small business owners that believe branding is all about choosing the best logo and pictures in order to get customers. However, this is not the case. Branding isn’t about just choosing a good color palette, but is about how individuals identify with...
2023 Minimum Wage Increases

2023 Minimum Wage Increases

If you are a small business owner with staff in multiple states, you know that it can be a difficult task to stay up to date with numerous minimum wage rate changes. Nearly half of our country increased minimum wages for hourly workers after January 1, 2022 in order...
Turning Lights Off Isn’t a Money-Saving Strategy

Turning Lights Off Isn’t a Money-Saving Strategy

If you are trying to save money in this economy, you may have considered monitoring your electricity usage. You have probably heard someone say in the past that turning off your lights will help you save some extra money on your electricity bill. Surprisingly, it...

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